A dependable lawn treatment program utilizing professional weed control products and slow-release fertilizers guaranteeing fantastic results for Texas lawns.
Application 1:
Pre and Post-Emergent Application:
Limits existing weeds with a post-emergent herbicide, as well as a pre-emergent treatment designed to target crabgrass and other warm-season weeds during the germination process.
Application 2:
Pre and Post-Emergent
A second treatment of pre-emergent to add longevity of control of summer weeds before they germinate. Controls broadleaf and grassy weeds that may have sprouted after the above application.
Application 3:
Spring Fertilization and Spot Treatment for Weeds
Utilizes a quick-release fertilizer to aid the early greening of your lawn. Technicians will also spot treat your lawn for any existing weeds.
Application 4:
Early Summer Fertilization and Spot Treatment for Weeds and Insect Control.
A professional quality, slow release fertilizer is fed to your lawn working for up to 16 weeks, resulting in healthy color and growth of the grass. Technicians will also spot treat your lawn for any existing weeds. An Insecticide will be applied at this time to prevent and control ants, fleas, chinch bugs and other pesky insects.
Application 5:
Late Summer Weed Control
This liquid application targets weed species which grow throughout the warmest weather months and grouped as Broadleaf, Grassy or Sedges.
Application 6:
Fall Pre/Post Emergent Application
A liquid treatment designed to control the most common winter weeds in Texas: chickweed, henbit and annual bluegrass.
Application 7:
Winter Pre/Post Emergent Application and Lime if needed
Some lawns in Southern Texas need a granular lime to raise the pH of the soil to a level better suited for Bermuda, St. Augustine and Zoysia grasses. The lime helps your lawn absorb nutrients, leading to a healthier turf.
We offer lawn maintenance plans designed to control weeds and boost healthy, thick Texas lawns.
A healthy, thick lawn will do a better job of choking out weeds than a thin lawn, so the regular application of a premium quality fertilizer is an important part of our maintenance.
We have years of experience treating Zoysia, St. Augustine, Buffalograss and Bermuda grass. Troubleshooting and customizing treatment plans for specific grass types is our specialty.
FIRE ANTS? We have proven techniques for permanently evicting them from your property.
If you love caring for your lawn, but just need some help with fertilizing and weed control, that's where we can help.
Tree and Shrub Maintenance plans help your trees and shrubs overall health. We apply premium fertilizers and systemic insecticide and fungicide treatments to help your trees and plants well being.
We are a Licensed and Insured Company.
We are a Licensed and Insured Company.We are a Licensed and Insured Company.
We correctly apply the highest quality professional fertilizer that has shown the best results year after year.
1. Lawn Fertilizer Works With Important Nutrients in Soil
In order to have a beautiful lawn, you’ll need high soil quality, and having us fertilize your lawn is the best way to achieve it.
Over time, your soil will naturally lose many of the prime nutrients it needs to thrive. If you really want that lush, green lawn, the nutrients need to be replenished with the application of professional-grade fertilizer.
2. Yes, Your Texas Lawn Has Sun and Water, but is it hungry?
For soil to be as rich as possible, it needs 3 key elements:
Think of this as the trinity for your lawn. Having the proper blend of these nutrients will help assure a healthy desirable lawn.
3. Your Lawn will Grow Thicker
By now, you know that fertilizer is an important part of your lawn’s diet. But did you know that it’ll actually help your grass grow faster and thicker? You can’t rely solely on your soil for great, healthy plant life. You’ll get better results by having us apply the seasonally correct fertilizer correctly and efficiently.
4. Its a Green Solution
Pardon the pun, but lawn fertilizer is a fantastic solution when applied correctly. Since the fertilizer we use is made of natural nutrients and vitamins, it’s a lawn care solution you can feel good about. Not only are we taking care of your lawn by using professional grade fertilizer, you’re taking care of the environment. There is no need to worry about excess waste since fertilizer just dissipates into the soil.
PH: (979) 525-3910 Email: paul@paulslawnpros.com
Serving: Brenham, Bellville, Sealy, Katy, Cypress